Semester Calendar Date

Introduction to Quantum Computing (CMSC457/PHYS457, Spring 2022)

An introduction to the concept of a quantum computer, including algorithms that outperform classical computation and methods for performing quantum computation reliably in the presence of noise. As this is a multidisciplinary subject, the course will cover basic concepts in theoretical computer science and physics in addition to introducing core quantum computing topics.

Advanced Topics in Theory of Computing; Classical and Quantum Codes (CMSC858Q/PHYS889C, Spring 2022)

The course will cover topics in classical and quantum coding theory from the unified perspective of protecting information in classical communication and supporting fault-tolerant computations in quantum computers. Topics in classical codes include: Reed-Solomon codes, codes on algebraic curves, Reed-Muller codes, polar codes, rank metric codes. Topics in quantum codes include: stabilizer codes, CSS codes, GKP codes, polynomial codes, toric code. 

Research Interactions in Mathematics (RIT on Quantum Information) (MATH489/689, Spring 2022)

In this seminar, we are interested in all aspects of research at the intersection between quantum information science and mathematics.  Goals for talks include:
Studying recent research results in quantum information from a mathematical angle;
Finding examples (old and new) in which existing tools from mathematics can be adapted for application in quantum information;
Studying quantum algorithms for mathematical problems.

"Giant Artificial Atoms and Waveguide QED"

Abstract: Models of light-matter interaction with natural atoms typically invoke the dipole approximation, wherein atoms are treated as point-like objects compared with the wavelength of their resonant driving fields. In this talk, we present a demonstration of “giant artificial atoms” realized with superconducting qubits in a waveguide QED architecture. The superconducting qubits couple to the waveguide at multiple, well-separated locations. In this configuration, the dipole approximation no longer holds, and the giant atom may quantum mechanically self-interfere.

A semidefinite programming based approach to near-term quantum advantage and device certification

Abstract: Semidefinite Programming (SDP) is a class of convex optimization programs with vast applications in control theory, quantum information, combinatorial optimization, machine learning and operational research. In this talk, I will discuss how SDP can be used to address two major challenges in quantum computing research: near-term quantum advantage and device certification.

Pseudo-Gauge Field in Dirac/Weyl Materials

Abstract: In solid materials, electrons are usually described by the non-relativistic Schrodinger equationsince electron velocity is much slower than the speed of light. However, the relativisticDirac/Weyl equation can emerge as a low-energy effective theory for electrons in certainmaterials. These systems are dubbed “Dirac/Weyl materials” and provide a tunable platformto test quantum relativistic phenomena in table-top experiments. Owing to the linear-inmomentum form, a variety of physical fields, e.g.

Enhancement of superconductivity with external phonon squeezing

Abstract: Squeezing of phonons due to the nonlinear coupling to electrons is a way to enhance superconductivity. In this talk I will present a model of quadratic electron-phonon interaction in the presence of phonon pumping and an additional external squeezing. I will show that the interference between the two driving sources can lead to a stronger electron-electron attraction. This allows for the enhancement of superconductivity, which is shown to be maximal on the boundary with the dynamic lattice instabilities caused by driving.

Precision-enhanced displacement measurements using correlated photon pairs

Abstract: Split detection is a standard experimental scheme for measuring positional displacements. In a typical setup, a laser beam is reflected from the object being probed and then sent to a photodetector that is split into left (L) and right (R) halves: the normalized difference signal (R-L)/(R+L) is then proportional to the object’s horizontal displacement. The maximum precision achievable using this method is limited by the inverse of the beam width.