Abstract: Squeezing of phonons due to the nonlinear coupling to electrons is a way to enhance superconductivity. In this talk I will present a model of quadratic electron-phonon interaction in the presence of phonon pumping and an additional external squeezing. I will show that the interference between the two driving sources can lead to a stronger electron-electron attraction. This allows for the enhancement of superconductivity, which is shown to be maximal on the boundary with the dynamic lattice instabilities caused by driving. The considered model can be implemented in several experimental platforms.
JQI Seminars are held on Mondays during Fall and Spring semesters at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time in Room 2400 of the Atlantic Building. University of Maryland affiliates may participate using Zoom. The seminars are also livestreamed on the JQI YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/JQInews(link is external)), which supports audience participation in the chat interface.