Semester Calendar Date

Empirical Evaluation of Circuit Approximations on Noisy Quantum Devices

Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices fail to produce outputs with sufficient fidelity for deep circuits with many gates today. Such devices suffer from read-out, multi-qubit gate and cross-talk noise combined with short decoherence times limiting circuit depth. This work develops a methodology to generate shorter circuits with fewer multi-qubit gates whose unitary transformations approximate the original reference one. It explores the benefit of such generated approximations under NISQ devices.

Boson Sampling for Generalized Bosons

Abstract: We generalized the standard Boson sampling task including Linear Boson Sampling the Gaus- sian Boson Sampling from photons to what we call generalized boson system which the computation relation between the creation and annihilation operators is not a constant. We showed that in such a system, one still has the standard hardness results including Hafnian and Permanents. We also use the spin system as our example and provide an experimental setup.
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Photonic quantum computational advantage

Abstract: The main challenge for scaling up photonic quantum technologies is the lack of perfect quantum light sources. We have pushed the parametric down-conversion to its physical limit and produce two-photon source with simultaneously a collection efficiency of 97% and an indistinguishability of 96% between independent photons. Using a single quantum dot in microcavities, we have produced on-demand single photons with high purity (>99%), near-unity indistinguishability, and high extraction efficiency—all combined in a single device compatibly and simultaneously.

Simulation Complexity of Many-Body Localized Systems

Abstract: We investigate the difficulty of classically simulating evolution under many-body localized (MBL) Hamiltonians. Using the defining feature that MBL systems have a complete set of local integrals of motion (LIOMs), we demonstrate a transition in the classical complexity of simulating such systems as a function of evolution time. On one side, we construct a quasipolynomial-time tensor-network-inspired algorithm that can simulate MBL systems evolved for any time polynomial in the system size.

Fundamental effects of noise and error mitigation on the trainability of variational quantum algorithms

Abstract: Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) are viewed as amongst the best hope for near-term quantum advantage. A natural question is whether noise places fundamental limitations on VQA performance. In the first part of this talk, we show that noise can severely limit the trainability of VQAs by exponentially flattening the optimization landscape and suppressing the magnitudes of cost gradients.

Clustering of steady-state correlations in open systems with long-range interactions

Abstract:  Lieb-Robinson bounds are powerful analytical tools for constraining the dynamic and static properties of non-relativistic quantum systems. Recently, a complete picture for closed systems that evolve unitarily in time has been achieved. In experimental systems, however, interactions with the environment cannot generally be ignored, and the extension of Lieb-Robinson bounds to dissipative systems which evolve non-unitarily in time remains an open challenge.

Using a trapped ion quantum computer to simulate NMR spectra

Abstract:  Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a useful tool in understanding molecular composition and dynamics, but simulating NMR spectra of large molecules becomes intractable on classical computers as the spin correlations in these systems can grow exponentially with molecule size. In contrast, quantum computers are well suited to simulate NMR spectra of molecules, particularly zero- to ultralow field (ZULF) NMR where the spin-spin interactions in the molecules dominate.

A field theoretical approach to quantum circuits

Abstract: Quantum circuits have been widely used as a platform to explore universal properties of generic quantum many-body systems. In this talk, I will present our work in which we construct a field theoretical approach to study quantum circuits. We reformulate the sigma model for time periodic Floquet systems using the replica method, and apply it to the study of spectral statistics of the evolution operator of quantum circuits.

Autonomous quantum error correction of a grid state qubit

Abstract: Quantum error correction is expected to play an important role in the realization of large-scale quantum computers. At the lowest level, it takes advantage of embedding qubits in a larger Hilbert space, giving redundancy which allows measurements which preserve logical information while revealing the presence of errors. While many codes rely on multiple physical systems, Bosonic codes make use of the higher dimensional Hilbert space of a single harmonic oscillator mode.

Capacity and Quantum Geometry of Parametrized Quantum Circuits

Abstract: To harness the potential of noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices, it is paramount to find the best type of circuits to run hybrid quantum-classical algorithms. Key candidates are parametrized quantum circuits that can be effectively implemented on current devices. Here, we evaluate the capacity and trainability of these circuits using the geometric structure of the parameter space via the effective quantum dimension [1]. We find that the capacity exhibits scaling laws and striking differences depending on the type of entangling gates used.