Quantum algorithms (CMSC858Q, Spring 2021)
This is an advanced graduate course on quantum algorithms for students with prior experience in quantum information. The course will cover algorithms that allow quantum computers to solve problems faster than classical computers.
Introduction to quantum computing (CMSC457/PHYS457, Spring 2021)
An introduction to the concept of a quantum computer, including algorithms that outperform classical computation and methods for performing quantum computation reliably in the presence of noise. As this is a multidisciplinary subject, the course will cover basic concepts in theoretical computer science and physics in addition to introducing core quantum computing topics.
Multi-terminal Josephson effect
Dissertation Committee Chair: Vladimir Manucharyan
Christopher Lobb
James Williams
Steven Anlage
Ichiro Takeuchi (Dean’s rep)
Quantum Photonics in the Frequency Domain
Quantum frequency conversion is the process by which the wavelength of a light field is converted to another wavelength while still fully maintaining its quantum state. We describe our recent research that utilizes the nonlinear optical process of four-wave mixing to perform ultralow noise quantum frequency conversion with efficiencies approaching 100%. We also show how this nonlinear process can be used to realize other novel quantum phenomena in the frequency domain including Hong-Ou-Mandel interference, near-deterministic single-photon generation, single-photon Ramsey interference, and
Supersolidity in the ultracold: when atoms behave as crystal and superfluid at the same time
Exotic and counterintuitive phases of quantum matter have been recently discovered in degenerate quantum gases of highly magnetic atoms (Erbium and Dysprosium). The very fact such atoms possess a large magnetic moment means that their interactions at the many-body level and their quantum correlations acquire a unique long-range and anisotropic character. This property opens novel avenues of investigation beyond the contact-interaction paradigm.
Synthesis and characterization of quantum defects for quantum network applications: from deep centers in diamond to shallow impurities in ZnO
Point defects in crystals are the solid state analog to trapped ions. Thus these “quantum defects” have gained popularity as qubit candidates for scalable quantum networks. In this talk, I will introduce some of the basic quantum defect properties desirable for quantum network applications and give some illustrative examples of recent successes toward scalable quantum networks, highlighting my group’s work on single NV centers in diamond and shallow donors in ZnO.
Thermodynamics of quantum information
We are on the verge of a technological revolution. Over the last couple of years the first computational devices have become commercially available that promise to exploit so-called quantum advantage. Even though the thermodynamic cost for processing classical information has been known since the 1960s, the thermodynamic description of quantum computers is still at its infancy. This is due to the fact that many notions of classical thermodynamics, such as work and heat, do not readily generalize to quantum systems in the presence of thermal and quantum noise.
Deconfinement of Majorana vortex modes produces a superconducting Landau level
A spatially oscillating pair potential drives a deconfinement transition of the Majorana bound states in the vortex cores of a Fu-Kane heterostructure (a 3D topological insulator on a superconducting substrate, in a perpendicular magnetic field). In the deconfined phase at zero chemical potential the Majorana fermions form a dispersionless Landau level, protected by chiral symmetry against broadening due to vortex scattering.