Quantum frequency conversion is the process by which the wavelength of a light field is converted to another wavelength while still fully maintaining its quantum state. We describe our recent research that utilizes the nonlinear optical process of four-wave mixing to perform ultralow noise quantum frequency conversion with efficiencies approaching 100%. We also show how this nonlinear process can be used to realize other novel quantum phenomena in the frequency domain including Hong-Ou-Mandel interference, near-deterministic single-photon generation, single-photon Ramsey interference, and temporal magnification of single-photon pulses.
We are hosting the Spring 2021 JQI Seminars virtually as Zoom meetings. JQI members and affiliates will receive a Zoom link in an email announcing each seminar. For those without access to Zoom, we will also be live streaming each seminar on YouTube. Once a seminar starts, you will find a link to the live stream on our YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/JQInews.