
Przemyslaw Bienias

Research Areas: 

Polar molecules, magnetic atoms, and other dipolar systems

Strongly interacting photons

Topological matter in AMO systems

Driven-dissipative systems

Alkaline-earth atoms

Bio: Where are they now?: 

Quantum Research Scientist at AWS. Former postdoctoral researcher.

Hyok Sang Han

Research Area: Waveguide quantum electrodynamics, photon-mediated long-range interactions between cold atoms near optical nanofibers.

Grégory Moille

Gregory Moille is a Assistant Research Scientist working at both the NIST and UMD campuses. He received his M.S. in Physics and Photonics from Grenoble Institut National Polytechnique, France. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from Paris Saclay University, France. His doctoral research focused on the non-linear dynamics of photonic crystal cavities made of III-V materials, as well the fabrication and improvement of these devices.