Self-organization of atoms coupled to a chiral reservoir
Tightly confined modes of light, as in optical nanofibers or photonic crystal waveguides, can lead to large optical coupling in atomic systems, which mediates long-range interactions between atoms. These one-dimensional systems can naturally possess couplings that are asymmetric between modes propagating in different directions. Strong long-range interaction among atoms via these modes can drive them to a self-organized periodic distribution. In this talk, we examine the self-organizing behavior of atoms in one dimension coupled to a chiral reservoir.
Evidence for ferromagnetic instability in a repulsive Fermi gas of ultracold atoms
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Measuring entanglement spectrum in quantum many-body systems
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Observation of prethermalization in trapped ion quantum spin chains
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Coherent three-photon process for creating metastable degenerate gasses of alkaline-earth-like atoms
Nanophotonic quantum interface for a single quantum dot spin qubit
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The spin of a single electron confined in a quantum dot is a promising matter qubit for quantum information processing. This spin system possesses microsecond coherence time and allows picosecond timescale control using optical pulses. It is also embedded in a host semiconductor substrate that can be directly patterned to form compact integrated nanophotonic devices for photonic interfaces.
Non-Markovian quantum friction of bright solitons in superfluids
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I will discuss the quantum dissipation of a bright soliton in a quasi-one-dimensional bosonic superfluid. I will argue that due to the integrability of the original problem, usual Ohmic friction proportional to a velocity is absent. It uncovers the non-Ohmic and non-Markovian friction, which can be interpreted as the backreaction of Bogoliubov quasiparticles inelastically scattered by an accelerating soliton, which represents an analogue of the Abraham-Lorentz force known in electrodynamic.
Topological Physics with Atoms and Photons
Ideas from topology have generated a lot of excitement in the fields of condensed matter, cold atoms, and photonics because they can give rise to intriguing phenomena such as backscattering-free edge states and fractional quantum Hall states.
The computational complexity of calculating ground state energies to very high precision
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Computational complexity theory studies the classification of computational problems according to the resources required to solve them. An important problem in quantum complexity theory is the local Hamiltonian problem - given a Hamiltonian composed of local terms, determine its ground state energy up to polynomial precision.
Squeezed Light, Fast Light and Non-Linear Optics
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