What does the effective resistance of electrical circuits have to do with quantum algorithms?

Free lunch served at 12:00 pm

I will answer the question in the title. I will also describe a new quantum algorithm for Boolean formula evaluation and an improved analysis of an existing quantum algorithm for st-connectivity. Joint work with Stacey Jeffery. 

Algorithms and Error Detection on a Programmable Ion Trap Quantum Computer

(Free lunch served at 12:00 pm)

Trapped ions are a highly advanced platform for implementing quantum circuits. They provide standard pairs of magnetic field insensitive "atomic clock" states as qubits with unsurpassed coherence times and optical schemes for near-unity preparation and measurement, as well as strong Coulomb interactions to generate entanglement. 

Precision phase measurement using 2-mode squeezed states

(Free lunch served at 12:00pm)


In my presentation, I will talk about precision length measurement using 2-mode squeezed states. I will discuss several different measurements that we can perform to beat the standard quantum limit (SQL) for phase measurement using our two-mode squeezed states. The talk will also contain some of our recent data that shows phase measurements better than the SQL.