On the optimal error exponents for classical and quantum antidistinguishability

Abstract: The concept of antidistinguishability of quantum states has been studied to investigate foundational questions in quantum mechanics. It is also called quantum state elimination, because the goal of such a protocol is to guess which state, among finitely many chosen at random, the system is not prepared in (that is, it can be thought of as the first step in a process of elimination). Antidistinguishability has been used to investigate the reality of quantum states, ruling out psi-epistemic ontological models of quantum mechanics [Pusey et al., Nat. Phys., 8(6):475-478, 2012].

Some Unexpected Applications of Analog Quantum Computers

Abstract: Demonstrations of quantum advantage for random circuit and boson sampling over the past few years have generated considerable excitement for the future of quantum computing and has further spurred the development of a wide range of gate-based digital quantum computers, which represent quantum programs as a sequence of quantum gates acting on one and two qubits.

Tensor Network Decoding Beyond 2D

Abstract: Decoding algorithms based on approximate tensor network contraction have proven tremendously successful in decoding 2D local quantum codes such as surface/toric codes and color codes, effectively achieving optimal decoding accuracy. We introduce several techniques to generalize tensor network decoding to higher dimensions so that it can be applied to 3D codes as well as 2D codes with noisy syndrome measurements (phenomenological noise or circuit-level noise).

Reviewing Innovations in Fermion-Qubit Mappings

Abstract: Simulating Fermionic Hamiltonians requires a mapping from fermionic to qubit operators. This mapping must obey the underlying algebra of fermionic operators; in particular, their specific anticommutation relations. The traditional mapping is the Jordan-Wigner encoding, which is simple and qubit minimal, but can incur significant overheads during simulation. This is because the qubit weight of fermionic operators is high, i.e. operators typically must involve many qubits. New mappings address this trade-off and hold other intriguing features.

Online Learning of quantum processes

Abstract: Learning properties of quantum processes is a fundamental task in physics. It is well known that full process tomography scales exponentially in the number of qubits. In this work, we consider online learning quantum processes in a mistake bounded model and prove exponentially improved bounds compared to the stronger notion of diamond norm learning. The problem can be modelled as an interactive game over any given number of rounds, T, between a learner and an adversary.

Analysis of SoS Relaxations for the Quantum Rotor Model

Abstract: The noncommutative sum-of-squares (ncSoS) hierarchy was introduced by Navascues--Pironio--Acin as a sequence of semidefinite programming relaxations for approximating values of "noncommutative polynomial optimization problems," which were originally intended to generalize quantum values of nonlocal games. Recent work has started to analyze the hierarchy for approximating ground energies of local Hamiltonians, initially through rounding algorithms which output product states for degree-2 ncSoS.

Qubit-Oscillator Concatenated Codes: Decoding Formalism and Code Comparison

Abstract: Concatenating bosonic error-correcting codes with qubit codes can substantially boost the error-correcting power of the original qubit codes. It is not clear how to concatenate optimally, given that there are several bosonic codes and concatenation schemes to choose from, including the recently discovered Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) – stabilizer codes [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 080503 (2020)] that allow protection of a logical bosonic mode from fluctuations of the conjugate variables of the mode.

Controllability of quantum dot arrays via maximum entropy

Abstract: Quantum dots are a promising platform to realize practical quantum computing. However, before they can be used as qubits, quantum dots must be carefully tuned to the correct regime in the voltage space to trap individual electrons. Moreover, realizable quantum computing requires tuning of large arrays, which translates to a significant increase in the number of parameters that need to be controlled and calibrated. This necessitates the development of robust and automated methods to bring the device into an operational state.