Investigating the feasibility of a trapped atom interferometer with movable traps

Abstract: Atom interferometers can be used for diverse applications, ranging from the exploration of fundamental aspects of physics, such as measuring field parameters or testing gravity [1, 2], to employment as a measurement device, for instance, an accelerometer or in rotation sensing [3,4].

Quantum ergodicity beyond random matrices

Abstract: The fundamental assumption of statistical mechanics is that the long-time average of any observable is equal to its average over the microcanonical ensemble. In classical mechanics, this stems from Boltzmann’s ergodic hypothesis, by which a generic initial state in an ergodic system visits the neighborhood of all states in phase space with the same energy. However, wavelike effects in quantum mechanics have made it difficult to identify what it even means for a quantum system to be ergodic, except on a case-by-case basis for individual observables.

Quantum dynamics of many-body systems for simulation and sensing

Abstract: A key goal in modern quantum science is to harness the complex behavior of quantum systems to develop new technologies. While precisely engineered platforms with ultracold atoms and trapped ions have emerged as powerful tools for this task, our limited ability to theoretically and computationally probe these systems poses immense challenges for their improved control and characterization.

Index, zero-modes, and band flattening transitions

Abstract: In this talk, I will present a theory of interaction-induced band-flattening in strongly correlated electron systems. I will begin by illustrating an inherent connection between flat bands and index theorems and presenting a generic prescription for constructing flat bands by periodically repeating local Hamiltonians with topological zero modes. Specifically, a Dirac particle in an external, spatially periodic magnetic field can be cast in this form.

Phase space filling effect of nonbosonic moiré excitons

Abstract: Optical experiments utilize excitons (electron-hole bound states) in moiré transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers as a quantum simulator of the Bose-Hubbard model. Nevertheless, we show that these excitations possess nonbosonic commutation relations due to their composite nature, limiting the size of phase space for them to occupy. Such an effect manifests at weak electron-hole correlation, and restricts the number of excitons to be less than 4 per site and valley for three different bilayers.

Entanglement-enabled symmetry-breaking orders

Abstract: A spontaneous symmetry-breaking order is conventionally described by a tensor-product wave-function of some few-body clusters. We discuss a type of symmetry-breaking orders, dubbed entanglement-enabled symmetry-breaking orders, which cannot be realized by any tensor-product state. Given a symmetry breaking pattern, we propose a criterion to diagnose if the symmetry-breaking order is entanglement-enabled, by examining the compatibility between the symmetries and the tensor-product description.

Phonon-Polaritons via the Cavity Born-Oppenheimer Approximation

Abstract: Strong light-matter coupling in optical cavities can alter the dynamics of molecular and material systems resulting in polaritonic excitation spectra and modified reaction pathways. For strongly coupled photon modes close in energy to nuclear vibrations the Cavity Born Oppenheimer Approximation (CBOA) in the context of quantum-electrodynamical density functional theory (QEDFT) has been demonstrated to be an appropriate description of the coupled light-matter system.

Investigating the feasibility of a trapped atom interferometer with movable traps

Abstract: Atom interferometers can be used to obtain information about accelerations and fields, whether this may be in the investigation of fundamental aspects of physics, such as measuring fundamental constants or testing gravity, or as part of a measurement device, such as an accelerometer [1,2,3]. Achieving adequate coherence times remains a priority, and this can be realized by holding the atoms in a trap as an alternative to increasing their free fall time [1].