Entanglement-enabled symmetry-breaking orders

Abstract: A spontaneous symmetry-breaking order is conventionally described by a tensor-product wave-function of some few-body clusters. We discuss a type of symmetry-breaking orders, dubbed entanglement-enabled symmetry-breaking orders, which cannot be realized by any tensor-product state. Given a symmetry breaking pattern, we propose a criterion to diagnose if the symmetry-breaking order is entanglement-enabled, by examining the compatibility between the symmetries and the tensor-product description.

Phonon-Polaritons via the Cavity Born-Oppenheimer Approximation

Abstract: Strong light-matter coupling in optical cavities can alter the dynamics of molecular and material systems resulting in polaritonic excitation spectra and modified reaction pathways. For strongly coupled photon modes close in energy to nuclear vibrations the Cavity Born Oppenheimer Approximation (CBOA) in the context of quantum-electrodynamical density functional theory (QEDFT) has been demonstrated to be an appropriate description of the coupled light-matter system.

Investigating the feasibility of a trapped atom interferometer with movable traps

Abstract: Atom interferometers can be used to obtain information about accelerations and fields, whether this may be in the investigation of fundamental aspects of physics, such as measuring fundamental constants or testing gravity, or as part of a measurement device, such as an accelerometer [1,2,3]. Achieving adequate coherence times remains a priority, and this can be realized by holding the atoms in a trap as an alternative to increasing their free fall time [1].

Quantum Hall physics in light-matter hybrid systems

Abstract: In this seminar, I will present and discuss recent results from one of the experimental research lines at Hafezi group: quantum Hall physics in semiconductor microcavities. A 2D charge gas (2DCG) operating in the quantum Hall regime represents one of the few examples of macroscopic quantum behavior. Other examples in this short list are Bose-Einstein condensation and superconductivity. Typically, the experimental study of the quantum Hall effect relies on transport. Another possibility is to optically probe the 2DCG, which provides the advantage of more local measurements.

Simulating Mesonic Scattering Processes on Trapped-Ion Simulators

Abstract: Obtaining real-time dynamics of particle collisions is a long-standing goal in high energy and nuclear physics. Developing protocols to simulate lattice gauge theories on quantum simulators offer a strategy to probe these scattering processes. Both long-range and short-range quantum Ising chains exhibit the confinement of quasiparticles, analogous to the high-energy confinement of quarks in bound, meson states. In this talk, we will discuss a proposal to simulate meson scattering in a trapped-ion simulator.

The Riemann Zeta Function, Poincare Recurrence, and Quantum Chaos

Abstract: The spectral form factor is an important diagnostic of quantum chaos and thermalization. In this talk we will dive into a surprising duality between short time behavior and exponentially late-time behavior, with a cameo from the Riemann zeta function.

(Pizza and drinks will be served after the seminar)

Spin cross-correlation experiments in a Cooper Pair Splitter

Abstract: Correlations are fundamental in describing many body systems. However, in experiments, correlations are notoriously difficult to assess on the microscopic scale, especially for electron spins. While it is firmly established theoretically that the electrons in a Cooper pair of a superconductor form maximally spin-entangled singlet states with opposite spin projections, no spin correlation experiments have been demonstrated so far.