Nonlinear integrated photonics for deployable clocks and quantum sensors

The deployment of photonic quantum technologies outside of laboratories and into application
environments involves new components and system architectures, many of which are based on
photonic integrated circuits (PICs). In this talk, I will present our lab’s research on PIC components that
harness nonlinear optical processes in the context of optical atomic clocks and quantum sensors. For
such applications, nonlinear frequency conversion can generate the coherent visible and short near-

Building a Better Superconducting Qubit

Superconducting qubits are one of the leading platforms for quantum information processing but have not yet reached the performance necessary for useful quantum computation. In this talk, I will discuss current limitations on measurement and gate fidelity in superconducting qubits using the fluxonium as a case study. I will discuss our work understanding the origins of these limitations and the usage of applied microwave drives to improve measurement and gate fidelity.

Quantum Computation and Quantum Field Theory

We will discuss the path towards using quantum computers for quantum field theory calculations. In particular, two problems will be addressed: how to truncate the Hilbert space of bosonic fields and how to take the continuum limit without incurring in exponentially large costs. We will discuss the particular case of the non-linear sigma model, where those questions are fully understood, followed by gauge theories, where those questions remain fairly open.

Assembling and Probing Highly Entangled Quantum Matter with Superconducting Circuits

Superconducting circuits are a powerful platform for quantum computation and sensing. In this talk I will show how we can use techniques from those domains to create and interrogate strongly interacting matter from microwave photons. In particular we discuss how disorder can be leveraged to assemble compressible quantum fluids. Using correlation measurements we can can observe photon fermionization.

Quantum Computing Enhanced Sensing

The main goal of quantum metrology is to leverage quantum mechanical objects such as atoms and molecules to improve sensing in any one of various aspects including sensitivity, speed, spatio-temporal resolution, and economic cost. A paradigmatic example is the use of entangled quantum particles to improve upon the standard quantum limit and achieve an improved sensitivity only limited by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

Optically Driven Atom Arrays and New Resources for Ultracold Atomic Physics

New techniques and resources in ultracold atomic physics have continually deepened its impact on science.  I will discuss two experimental developments that, hopefully, exemplify this trend.  First, I will share how my research group is using the versatile tool of atom-tweezer arrays to study collective atom-light coupling and symmetry-breaking in the mesoscopic regime.  Specifically, we show how, akin to the response of metamaterials, the precise control over the positions of atoms affects their collective coupling to an optical cavity.  This collective coupling t

Many-body Dynamics in Superconducting Quantum Circuits

Superconducting circuits provide a versatile platform for investigating many-body physics in synthetic quantum matter. Achieving scalable quantum simulation with these devices requires new methods for control and measurement. In this talk, I will present our recent experiments to control and probe quantum dynamics using both coherent and driven-dissipative techniques. First, I’ll discuss a set of transport experiments, where we develop an in-situ measurement of particle current and current statistics.