Orbital interactions between strongly confined fermions

Abstract: Do p-wave systems have universal properties? Ultracold atoms are normally dominated by s-wave interactions, because scattering channels with orbital angular momenta must tunnel through a centrifugal barrier. However, femionic exchange symmetry and Feshbach resonances have been shown to enhance p-wave scattering. In this talk, I will discuss recent work that also uses strong confinement to control orbital interactions in spin-polarized Potassium 40. Spectroscopy of isolated atom pairs reveals multi-branched unitary interactions, enabling a test of the p-wave pseudopotential.

Dynamical maps and thermodynamics on qubit landscapes

Abstract: Quantum systems with a flexible architecture of connections and interactions mimic natural systems and provide an interesting arena to study thermodynamic evolution. In this talk I will introduce the minimum size of a machine of thermally initialized qubits that can generate an increase in extractable work for a subsystem and then embed the machine dynamics into a larger landscape of qubits.

Probing quantum dynamics with strongly driven ultracold atoms

Abstract: Degenerate gases in modulated optical lattices are a flexible testbed for the experimental study of quantum matter driven far from equilibrium. I will present results from a sequence of recent experiments in this area, on topics ranging from interacting quantum kicked rotors to localization in driven quasicrystals. Time permitting, I will also discuss a new tweezer-based degenerate gas platform under construction at UC Santa Barbara which aims at the study of quantum interactive dynamics.

The maximum refractive index of optical materials: from quantum optics to quantum chemistry

Abstract: It is interesting to observe that all known optical materials have a refractive index that is of order unity at visible/telecom wavelengths. However, it is not easy to reconcile this with the fact that the individual atoms making up the material are well-known to have a huge optical response near resonance, when isolated, as characterized by a scattering cross section that is much larger than the physical size of the atom.

Broadband spin-wave quantum memories in cold and ultracold atomic systems

Abstract: Quantum memories using cold and ultracold atoms are a promising platform for storing and manipulating photonic signals, and will be a key component in quantum communications systems, especially in realizing critical quantum repeater infrastructure. Cold atoms have significant potential as high performance spin-wave quantum memories, due to the long storage times associated with low temperature and slow thermal diffusion. Broadband, low-noise performance in such memories is also required, but these two principles are often at odds with each other.

Replica symmetry breaking in a cavity QED spin glass

Abstract: Spin glasses are canonical examples of complex matter.  Although much about their structure remains uncertain, they inform the description of a wide array of complex phenomena, ranging from magnetic ordering in metals with impurities to aspects of evolution, protein folding, climate models, and artificial intelligence, where spin glass theory forms a mathematical basis for neuromorphic computing.

Quantum in the Army and Rydberg Receivers

Abstract: Why does the Army care about quantum mechanics?  In this JQI Seminar, Dr. Kevin Cox will discuss what it's like to be a physicist at the Army Research Laboratory and talk about how his group is using Rydberg atoms to create radio-frequency receivers that can sense the entire spectrum.

*You will need to bring your cell phone, so you can sign in.  For Zoom, please submit a chat saying hello with your first and last name, so you can receive lunch.  Lunch will be served after the seminar only to the individuals that have attended.*

Full counting statistics as a probe of chaotic and integrable dynamics

Abstract: Experiments with ultracold gases and digital quantum simulators can take simultaneous snapshots of all the particles in a system. Unlike conventional response experiments, these snapshots encode arbitrarily high-order correlation functions. It is natural to ask what new information these high-order correlations contain. I will present solvable models, as well as experimental data, showing how these new probes can elucidate (and disprove) certain proposed mechanisms for many-body dynamics.

Pauli stabilizer models of twisted quantum doubles

Abstract: We construct a Pauli stabilizer model for every Abelian topological order that admits a gapped boundary in two spatial dimensions. Our primary example is a Pauli stabilizer model on four-dimensional qudits that belongs to the double semion (DS) phase of matter. The DS stabilizer Hamiltonian is constructed by condensing an emergent boson in a Z4 toric code. We show that the construction of the DS stabilizer Hamiltonian generalizes to all twisted quantum doubles (TQDs) with Abelian anyons.