Event Details
Speaker Name
Aashish Clerk
Speaker Institution
University of Chicago
Start Date & Time
2021-11-15 11:00 am
End Date & Time
2021-11-15 11:00 am
Event Type
Event Details

Quantum systems subject to both driving and dissipation often have complex, non-thermal steady states, and are at the forefront of research in many areas of physics, including quantum information processing.  For classical systems, microscopic time-reversal symmetry leads to open systems satisfying detailed balance; this symmetry makes it extremely easy to find their stationary states.  In this talk, I’ll discuss a new way to think about detailed balance in fully quantum settings based on the existence of a “hidden” time-reversal symmetry.  I’ll show how this symmetry connects to the study of thermofield double states, and moreover, has a direct operational utility:  it provides a direct way to find exact solutions of non-trivial states.  This symmetry is present in a number of experimentally-relevant systems. and has clear experimental signatures.  I’ll try to give a gentle introduction to these ideas, with a particular focus on many-body driven-dissipative Bose Hubbard like models (as can be realized directly in superconducting circuits and a variety of quantum optical platforms).  


Joint Quantum Institute Seminars take place live each Monday during Fall and Spring Semesters, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time, in Room 2400 of the Atlantic Building. University of Maryland affiliates may participate using Zoom. The Seminars are also simulcast world-wide on the Joint Quantum Institute YouTube channel,  https://www.youtube.com/user/JQInews , which supports audience participation in the chat interface.

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