Abstract: In many-body systems of cold atoms and their applications to quantum metrology and quantum computing, there are important questions around how large an entangled many-body state we can usefully and reliably prepare in the presence of decoherence. Information spreading and entanglement growth are typically limited by Lieb-Robinson bounds, so that the useful system size with short-range interactions will grow only linearly with the coherence time. However, for systems with long-range interactions (e.g., atoms in cavities) or movable tweezer arrays, we can engineer so-called fast scrambling dynamics, where information is spread and entanglement is built up on a timescale that grows logarithmically with the system size.
I will give an introduction to these ideas and an overview of our recent work exploring these implementations of fast scrambling. We explore fast scrambling in sparse coupling models and effective hypercube geometries that are realisable in current experiments with tweezer arrays or atoms in optical cavities, identifying a dynamical transition with universal scaling behaviour marking the onset of scrambling with different levels of long-range connectivity. I will discuss how these transitions can be observed in neutral atom arrays, and discuss applications for the realisation of useful entangled states using these dynamics.
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