Abstract: Harnessing the behavior of complex systems is at the heart of quantum technologies. Precisely engineered ultracold gases are emerging as a powerful tool for this task. In this talk I will explain how ultracold alkaline-earth atoms (AEAs) trapped by light used to create optical lattice clocks are not only fascinating, but of crucial importance since they can help us to answer cutting-edge questions about complex many-body phenomena and magnetism. Specifically, I will discuss ideas on how to use AEAs dressed by laser fields as a tool to engineer rich many-body Hamiltonians in the presence of synthetic gauge fields. I will focus on the dense and strongly interacting regime where our studies reveal rich and interesting behaviors generated by the interplay between strong interactions, an external magnetic flux and particle motion all observable at conditions currently accessible in state-of-the art experiments. I will finally explain why the proposed schemes open a window to enhance clock sensitivity beyond what is possible with uncorrelated atoms, and set a foundation for the next generation of quantum enhanced clocks.
*You will need to bring your cell phone, so you can sign in using the QR code outside of ATL 2400. You will need to add your full name, email, organization, and are you visiting (y/n) to the google sheet by 11:15am to be able to get lunch after the seminar. Lunch is first come, first served.*
At 4pm, there will be a tea in ATL 2117 for our speaker and students/postdocs - this is a chance to ask questions directly to our speaker. Refreshments will be served.