Event Details
Speaker Name
Kin Fai Mak
Speaker Institution
Cornell University
Start Date & Time
2022-04-30 3:00 pm
Event Type
Event Details

Abstract: Semiconductor moiré materials provide a physical realization of the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model for studies of the combined effects of non-trivial band topology and strong electronic correlations. In this talk, I will discuss the rich electronic phase diagram of the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model realized in AB-stacked MoTe2/WSe2 moiré bilayers. In particular, I will discuss the emergence of the quantum spin Hall and the quantum anomalous Hall effects, the realization of the Haldane model, the nature of the Chern insulators, and, if time permits, a metamagnetic quantum phase transition between different intervalley coherent states.

Host: Jiabin Yu


Zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/j/3606167531?pwd=Q1hWUC9zK2J0eXp1NzMvamtNZThDUT09
