Event Details
Speaker Name
Jainendra Jain
Speaker Institution
Pennsylvania State University
Start Date & Time
2021-09-27 11:00 am
End Date & Time
2021-09-27 11:00 am
Event Type
Event Details

The fractional quantum Hall system is one of the most strongly correlated systems in the world, because its physics is fully dictated by the interaction between the electrons, with their kinetic energy having been fully suppressed by the magnetic field. Somewhat surprisingly, much of the vast phenomenology of the fractional quantum Hall effect is now understood not only qualitatively but with a microscopic precision that rivals, ideally, that of atomic physics. This has become possible thanks to the emergence of the topological particle called composite fermion. After a brief review of various states and phenomena of composite fermions meant for the non-specialists, this talk will focus on recent developments connected to experiments. It will also introduce a model interaction that can be solved for all eigenstates at arbitrary filling factors, and produces fractional quantum Hall effect. 

Joint Quantum Institute Seminars take place live each Monday during Fall and Spring Semesters, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time, in Room 2400 of the Atlantic Building. University of Maryland affiliates may participate using Zoom. The Seminars are also simulcast world-wide on the Joint Quantum Institute YouTube channel,  https://www.youtube.com/user/JQInews , which supports audience participation in the chat interface.

TEMP migration NID