Event Details
Speaker Name
Antoine Browaeys
Speaker Institution
Institut d'Optique, CNRS
Start Date & Time
2023-04-17 11:00 am
End Date & Time
2023-04-17 11:00 am
Event Type
Event Details

Abstract: This talk will present our recent work on the use of arrays of Rydberg atoms to study quantum magnetism and to generate entangled states useful for quantum metrology. We rely on laser-cooled ensembles of up to hundred individual atoms trapped in microscopic optical tweezer arrays. By exciting the atoms into Rydberg states, we make them interact by the resonant dipole interaction. The system thus implements the XY spin ½ model, which exhibits various magnetic orders depending on the ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic nature of the interaction. In particular, we adiabatically prepare long-range ferromagnetic order, and we probe the dispersion relation of the system. When the system is placed out of equilibrium, the interactions generate spin squeezing. We characterize the degree of squeezing and observe that it scales with the number of


*You will need to bring your cell phone, so you can sign in.  For Zoom, please submit a chat saying hello with your first and last name, so you can receive lunch.  Lunch will be served after the seminar only to the individuals that have attended.*

At 4pm, there will be a tea in ATL 2117 for our speaker and students - this is a chance for students to ask questions directly to our speaker. Refreshments will be served.

ATL 2400
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