Event Details
Speaker Name
Francisco Salces Carcoba
Start Date & Time
2020-04-06 12:40 pm
End Date & Time
2020-04-06 12:40 pm
Event Type
Event Details

Dissertation Committee Chair: Luis Orozco


Alicia Kollar

Mohammad Hafezi (Dean’s rep)

William D. Phillips

Ian Spielman (Advisor)


Quasi one-dimensional (1D) clouds of ultracold atoms are an ideal platform for quantum simulation and experimental benchmarking of simple 1D physics. I present two experiments with elongated clouds of ultracold alkali Rb-87 in two different 1D regimes, where optical microscopy comprises measurement. In a first experiment, we probe the thermodynamics of individual, strongly interacting 1D Bose gases by measuring their equations of state in-situ. In a second experiment with weakly interacting elongated condensates, we apply digital holographic microscopy to transfer hardware complexity into software by removing the effects of aberrations in our resonant absorption images.

TEMP migration NID