Event Details
Speaker Name
Yinyu Liu
Speaker Institution
Harvard University
Start Date & Time
2022-04-12 11:00 am
End Date & Time
2022-04-12 11:00 am
Event Type
Event Details

The field of Quantum Information is of great excitement in both fundamental physics and industry. One promising platform for quantum computing is gate-defined quantum dots in semiconductors. The greatest limiting factor currently is that delicate quantum states can lose their quantum nature due to interactions with their environment. Other open challenges are to coherently control large-scale spin qubits and develop methods to entangle quantum bits that are separated by significant distances.
Silicon-based materials are promising due to the long lifetimes of electrons’ quantum states, but also challenging due to the difficulty in fabrication and valley degeneracy. I will report a singlet-triplet qubit with a qubit gate that is assisted by the valley states. This work would potentially relax the design and fabrication requirement for scaling. Moreover, strong coupling between electron spins and photons in hybrid circuit-QED architecture has been achieved in this research field. Quantum optics, long-distance quantum entanglement, and communication via photons are promised. To address that, I will present my project in hybrid circuit-QED architecture where we invented a semiconductor single atom maser that can be tuned in situ.  I will demonstrate that a semiconductor-based quantum dot is a promising platform for quantum information as well as for fundamental physics.

Location: PSC 2136 and Zoom

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