Event Details
Speaker Name
Alisher Duspayev
Speaker Institution
University of Michigan
Start Date & Time
2023-11-28 10:30 am
Event Type
Event Details

Abstract: Neutral atoms in highly-excited Rydberg states are actively utilized in a variety of research directions such as ultracold chemistry and many-body physics, precision measurements and emerging quantum technologies. This talk is focused on using Rydberg atoms for creating long-range molecular states and for sensing AC/DC electric fields. First, I will present a novel type of Rydberg dimer formed through long-range electric-multipole interactions between a Rydberg atom and an ion. Its vibrational spectra and stability against nonadiabatic effects will be discussed. In the second part, I will present our recent experimental investigations on Rydberg-atom-based sensing of electric microfields that occur in ion clouds and plasmas. The talk will be concluded with a discussion of the prospects of using high-angular-momentum Rydberg states for AC and DC field sensing in room-temperature vapor cells with and without buffer gas.

Host: Nathan Schine

PSC 2136