Abstract: Trapped ions are among the most promising candidates for quantum information processors based on their unique properties such as long coherence time, high fidelity state initialization, manipulation and detection. In order to scale up quantum information processors based on trapped ions, efficient sympathetic cooling between different atomic species is required. In this work, we investigate both numerically and experimentally linear harmonic trap parameters to efficiently doppler-cool radial modes of mixed-species Ba-Yb ion chain [1]. We also demonstrate the use of a single-photon sensitive Tpx3Cam camera [2] with excellent spatial resolution and time resolution in a scale of nanoseconds as a tool for direct simultaneous observation of the ions’ micromotion [3] and as a fast and sensitive detector for high-fidelity readout of trapped ion’s qubit state [4].
References: [1] Tomasz P. Sakrejda, Liudmila Zhukas, Boris B. Blinov, arXiv:1809.00240, [2] A. Nomerotski et al., Journal of Instrumentation 12, C01017 (2017) [3] Liudmila A. Zhukas, Maverick J. Millican, Peter Svihra, Andrei Nomerotski, Boris B. Blinov, arXiv:2010.00159 [4] Liudmila A. Zhukas, Peter Svihra, Andrei Nomerotski, Boris B. Blinov, arXiv:2006.12801
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