Event Details
Speaker Name
Konstantinos Karagiannis
Start Date & Time
2021-03-05 12:00 pm
End Date & Time
2021-03-05 12:00 pm
Event Details

We finally made it to what seemed like sci-fi wishful thinking. Quantum computers are real and available on the cloud, and their power is growing at a greater-than-Moore’s-Law pace. What does this mean for those entering the job market soon? What will we be using these qubit-loaded behemoths for? Join us for some informal Q&A about this post-quantum era we find ourselves within.

Konstantinos Karagiannis is the Head of Quantum Computing Services at Protiviti. He has been working in quantum information science since 2012, and has spoken at conferences worldwide, including Black Hat, RSA, GISEC, and ISF.

Note: this is a special industry speaker seminar

Seminar will be held via Zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/j/95990412421 and Meeting ID : 959 9041 2421

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