(Credit: Clarivate)
Two JQI Fellows are included on the Clarivate Web of Science Group’s 2021 list of Highly Cited Researchers, which recognizes influential scientists for their highly cited papers over the preceding decade.
The two researchers are Sankar Das Sarma, who is also the Director of the Condensed Matter Theory Center and the Richard E. Prange Chair and Distinguished University Professor of Physics at the University of Marlyand (UMD), and Christopher Monroe, who is also a College Park Professor.
Das Sarma has been included every year that the list has been released, and this is Monroe’s third consecutive year receiving the distinction. Das Sarma explores the theories behind condensed matter physics, statistical mechanics and quantum information, and Monroe performs experiments related to atomic physics and quantum information science. Both researchers have pushed the boundaries of the burgeoning field of quantum computing with their research.