Martin Ritter
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Organization Role / Title
Current Title
Graduate Student
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Contact Information
Office Address

2235 Atlantic Building

RQS Affiliation

I'm a graduate student in Alicia Kollar's group working on quantum simulation using superconducting circuits. In particular I am currently involved in two projects: developing a new readout technique for qubits using the Pound-Drever-Hall technique and leveraging the native strong light-matter coupling in the superconducting circuits architecture to study topological band structures arising in a qubit driven by two different fields. 
Before joining the Kollar group I worked with Alan Migdall using Atomic Frequency Combs in PrYSO as a potential quantum memory for photonic systems. I received my B. Sc. and M. Sc from the Colorado School of Mines where I worked on developing a radioactive skin patch to treat skin cancer (for the Masters) and completed summer projects developing a BPSK demodulation board for railroad signaling as well as analyzing the effect of statistical cuts on simulation data for the ALICE collaboration.

Research Groups