
Using the example of dysprosium atoms in an optical lattice, we show how dipolar interactions between magnetic dipoles can be used to obtain fractional quantum Hall states. In our approach, dysprosium atoms are trapped one atom per site in a deep optical lattice with negligible tunneling. Microwave and spatially dependent optical dressing fields are used to define an effective spin-1/2 or spin-1 degree of freedom in each atom. Thinking of spin-1/2 particles as hard-core bosons, dipole-dipole interactions give rise to boson hopping, topological flat bands with Chern number 1, and the nu = 1/2 Laughlin state. Thinking of spin-1 particles as two-component hard-core bosons, dipole-dipole interactions again give rise to boson hopping, topological flat bands with Chern number 2, and the bilayer Halperin (2,2,1) state. By adjusting the optical fields, we find a phase diagram, in which the (2,2,1) state competes with superfluidity. Generalizations to solid-state magnetic dipoles are discussed.

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Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Physical Review A
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