
We study the performance of SUPCODE-a family of dynamically correcting pulses designed to cancel simultaneously both Overhauser and charge noise for singlet-triplet spin qubits-adapted to silicon devices with electrostatic control. We consider both natural Si and isotope-enriched Si systems, and in each case we investigate the behavior of individual gates under static noise and perform randomized benchmarking to obtain the average gate error under realistic 1/f noise. We find that in most cases SUPCODE pulses offer roughly an order of magnitude reduction in gate error, and especially in the case of isotope-enriched Si, SUPCODE yields gate operations of very high fidelity. We also develop a version of SUPCODE that cancels the charge noise only, "delta J-SUPCODE," which is particularly beneficial for isotope-enriched Si devices where charge noise dominates Overhauser noise, offering a level of error reduction comparable to the original SUPCODE while yielding gate times that are 30%-50% shorter. Our results show that the SUPCODE noise-compensating pulses provide a fast, simple, and effective approach to error suppression, bringing gate errors well below the quantum error correction threshold in principle.

Publication Details
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Physical Review B