
We study the odd-integer filled Mott phases of a spin-1 Bose-Hubbard chain and determine their fate in the presence of a Raman induced spin-orbit coupling which has been achieved in ultracold atomic gases; this system is described by a quantum spin-1 chain with a spiral magnetic field. The spiral magnetic field initially induces helical order with either ferromagnetic or dimer order parameters, giving rise to a spiral paramagnet at large field. The spiral ferromagnet-to-paramagnet phase transition is in a universality class with critical exponents associated with the divergence of the correlation length upsilon approximate to 2/3 and the order-parameter susceptibility gamma approximate to 1/2. We solve the effective spin model exactly using the density-matrix renormalization group, and compare with both a large-S classical solution and a phenomenological Landau theory. We discuss how these exotic bosonic magnetic phases can be produced and probed in ultracold atomic experiments in optical lattices.

Publication Details
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Physical Review A