We are interested in the physics and engineering of nanophotonic devices in the context of quantum information science, metrology, communications, and sensing. We use nanofabrication technology to develop engineered geometries that strongly enhance light-matter interactions, such as parametric nonlinear optical processes, coupling to quantum emitters, and acousto-optic effects. We study the basic device-level physics and tailor devices for specific applications, and our research generally involves computational modeling, nanofabrication, and optoelectronic and quantum photonic characterization. Recent topics have included quantum frequency conversion, single-photon and entangled-photon generation, microresonator frequency combs, optical parametric oscillators, and cavity electro-optomechanical transducers.
More generally, nanophotonic systems offer us the ability to study interesting physics in a controllable way, using platforms that are inherently suitable for the development of new technologies. Our labs are at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD, and the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland in College Park.
Developing chip-integrated optical parametric oscillators as visible and near-infrared lasers
We report on the development of chip-integrated optical parametric oscillators as coherent light sources for quantum applications.
Orbital angular momentum generation in high-Q photonic crystal microrings
We demonstrate how to generate high orbital angular momentum states from a photonic crystal microring while maintaining high cavity quality factors.
New geometries for high-Q photonic crystal ring resonators
We demonstrate two new photonic crystal ring geometries that support high quality factor, slow light, and strong mode localization through defect incorporation.
Ultra-low loss quantum photonic circuits with single quantum emitters
New article reporting the demonstration of ultra-low loss quantum photonic circuits integrated with single quantum emitters.
Two Light-Trapping Techniques Combine for the Best of Both Worlds
Taming rays of light and bending them to your will is tricky business. Light travels fast and getting a good chunk of it to stay in one place for a long time requires a lot of skillful coaxing. But the benefits of learning how to hold a moonbeam (or, more likely, a laser beam) in your hand, or on a convenient chip, are enormous. Trapping and controlling light on a chip can enable better lasers, sensors that help self-driving cars “see,” the creation of quantum-entangled pairs of photons that can be used for secure communication, and fundamental studies of the basic interactions between light and atoms—just to name a few.
New article on integrated buried heaters for controlling microcombs
We demonstrate a new approach to efficient thermo-optic spectral tuning of air-clad microresonators.
Half-integer optical angular momentum and mode orientation control in photonic crystal microrings
We demonstrate how control of a photonic crystal patterning applied to a microring resonator can lead to novel states of light.
Christy Li
Christy Li is a high school student from Montgomery Blair High School working on Maxwell's equations and wave equation numerical solvers for integrated photonics. She is currently working on different ways to retrieve the characteristics of the modes of a micro-resonator accurately, which finds application in integrated frequency comb design. Alongside simulations, she also works on measuring microring resonators.
Michal Chojnacky
Michal Chojnacky is a physicist in the Thermodynamic Metrology Group. Her work at NIST helps companies and other laboratories measure temperature accurately to regulate manufacturing processes and public utilities, keep products safe, and advance research and development in fields like aerospace, pharmaceuticals, and metrology. Michal leads NIST research on the storage and handling of vaccines, which are highly temperature-sensitive products.