Event Details
Speaker Name
Alex Ling
Speaker Institution
National University of Singapore
Start Date & Time
2022-08-29 11:00 am
Event Type
Event Details

Abstract: The SpooQy-1 project designed, built and operated a source of polarisation entangled photon-pairs onboard a CubeSat for over 600 days. From the lessons learned in the SpooQy-1 mission, the Singapore-based team is working towards performing entanglement distribution from a small satellite to ground receivers. In this talk, I will share observations about the performance of the satellite, the entangled photon source, and the single photon detectors in orbit. These data has been used to validate some very useful models for predicting the effect of radiation on components. From these first steps, the Singapore-based team is building towards entanglement distribution from a small satellite to ground receivers. I will share these plans, and suggest possible paths for collaboration. Looking further towards the future, I will discuss what are some of the challenges my team sees in moving towards the concept of a quantum internet that is augmented from space.


Bio: Alex Ling is the head of the Singapore Quantum Engineering program and is a notable technical contributor to quantum optics in space.

ATL 2400