Event Details
Speaker Name
Joseph Thywissen
Speaker Institution
University of Toronto
Start Date & Time
2023-11-13 11:00 am
Event Type
Event Details

Abstract: Do p-wave systems have universal properties? Ultracold atoms are normally dominated by s-wave interactions, because scattering channels with orbital angular momenta must tunnel through a centrifugal barrier. However, femionic exchange symmetry and Feshbach resonances have been shown to enhance p-wave scattering. In this talk, I will discuss recent work that also uses strong confinement to control orbital interactions in spin-polarized Potassium 40. Spectroscopy of isolated atom pairs reveals multi-branched unitary interactions, enabling a test of the p-wave pseudopotential. In quasi-one-dimensional systems, we observe a surprising s-wave-like pair wave function. These developments may be relevant to fermionic molecular and mixture systems, and also generalize to, for example, bosonic systems with d-wave interactions.

*You will need to bring your cell phone, so you can sign in using the flowcode.  For Zoom, please submit a chat saying hello with your first and last name, so you can receive lunch.  Lunch will be served after the seminar only to the individuals that have attended.*

At 4pm until 5pm, there will be a tea in ATL 2117 for our speaker and students - this is a chance for students to ask questions directly to our speaker. Refreshments will be served.

ATL 2400