Event Details
Speaker Name
Ke Sun
Speaker Institution
(Duke University)
Start Date & Time
2024-10-10 11:30 am
End Date & Time
2024-10-10 11:30 am
Event Type
QuICS Event Type
Event Details

The spin-boson model, involving spins interacting with a bath of quantum harmonic oscillators, is a widely used representation of open quantum systems that describe many dissipative processes in physical, chemical and biological systems. Trapped ions present an ideal platform for simulating the quantum dynamics of such models, by accessing both the high-quality internal qubit states and the motional modes of the ions for spins and bosons, respectively. We demonstrate a fully programmable method to simulate dissipative dynamics of spin-boson models using a chain of trapped ions, where the initial temperature and the spectral densities of the boson bath are engineered by controlling the state of the motional modes and their coupling with qubit states. Our method provides a versatile and precise experimental tool for studying open quantum systems.  This seminar will be held online. 

*We strongly encourage attendees to use their full name (and if possible, their UMD credentials) to join the zoom session.*

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