Event Details
Speaker Name
Yuxiang Peng
Speaker Institution
Start Date & Time
2023-05-11 10:00 am
Event Type
Event Details

Hamiltonian simulation is one of the most promising applications of quantum computing. Recent experimental results suggest that continuous-time analog quantum simulation would be advantageous over gate-based digital quantum simulation in the Noisy Intermediate-Size Quantum (NISQ) machine era. However, programming such analog quantum simulators is much more challenging due to the lack of a unified interface between hardware and software, and the only few known examples are all hardware-specific.

In this talk, we introduce SimuQ, the first domain-specific language for Hamiltonian simulation that supports pulse-level compilation to heterogeneous analog quantum simulators. Specifically, in SimuQ, front-end users will specify the target Hamiltonian evolution with a Hamiltonian modeling language, and the programmability of analog simulators is specified through a new abstraction called the abstract analog instruction set by hardware providers. Through a solver-based compilation, SimuQ will generate the pulse-level instruction schedule on the target analog simulator for the desired Hamiltonian evolution, which has been demonstrated on pulse-controlled superconducting (Qiskit Pulse) and neutral-atom (QuEra Bloqade) quantum systems, as well as on normal circuit-based digital quantum machines. Moreover, we present case studies of applying SimuQ in domain applications, exhibiting advantages in programming complexity and multi-platform compatibility. In the end, we will discuss what to expect from future developments of SimuQ and how everyone can participate in improving SimuQ.

Note: Snacks will be provided

UMD PSC 2136 (Speaker will be here in person)
TEMP migration NID