Panorama PS Hero image for Porto Group
Group Lead

Research on ultra-cold atoms lies at the intersection of atomic physics, many-body physics, quantum optics and quantum information. Quantum physics dominates the behavior of atomic gases cooled to near absolute zero temperature, and cold trapped atoms provide an ideal experimental system for studying quantum many-body physics. Our research focuses on  ultra-cold gases of Rubidium atoms and Ytterbium/Rubidium mixtures, with the goals of studying novel condensed matter systems and engineering quantum control over many-body systems, including dissipative baths.

Creston Herold

Research Areas: 

Ultracold Rb/Yb Mixtures


Where are they now?: 

Creston is a research scientist at Georgia Tech Research Institute.

David Norris

Research Areas: 

Cold Atoms in Optical Lattices


Where are they now?: 

David is a scientific consultant at Booz, Allen & Hamilton.

Mary Lyon

Research Areas: 

Interacting Photons


Where are they now?: 

Mary is a post-doc with Hal Metcalf at Stony Brook