Panorama PS Hero image for Porto Group
Group Lead

Research on ultra-cold atoms lies at the intersection of atomic physics, many-body physics, quantum optics and quantum information. Quantum physics dominates the behavior of atomic gases cooled to near absolute zero temperature, and cold trapped atoms provide an ideal experimental system for studying quantum many-body physics. Our research focuses on  ultra-cold gases of Rubidium atoms and Ytterbium/Rubidium mixtures, with the goals of studying novel condensed matter systems and engineering quantum control over many-body systems, including dissipative baths.

Anomalous Rydberg Line Broadening Observed

We have recently observed interaction-induced broadening of a Rydberg transition in rubidium trapped in a 3D optical lattice. Our observations cannot be attributed to the typical van der Waals interaction between Rydberg atoms in the same state, due to the magnitude and symmetry of the broadening and the insensitivity of the effect to the short-range spatial distribution of atoms.

BEC is back!

We have our first Bose-Einstein condensate after the move from NIST! Using an optical dipole trap plus a quadrupole magnetic trap, we were able to produce our first BEC on the UMD campus. The next step is to optimize the BEC and then get the optical lattice working.