Waks Group Hero Image
Group Lead

Welcome to the Quantum Photonics Laboratory at the University of Maryland. We are part of the Joint Quantum Institute and the Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics. We are working to develop quantum technology based on nanoscale photonic and semiconductor devices for applications in quantum computation, communication, and sensing.

Jehyung and Shahriar's paper on integrating quantum emitters with silicon photonics appears in Nano Letters


This letter is featured in Nature Photonics research highlights:

Also appears in several news releases: SemiconductorToday, Photonics.com, Phys.org, Science Newsline, EurekAlert, Asia Research News, and ECN Magazine.

JQI Fellows Edo Waks and Ian Spielman Receive PECASE Award

JQI Fellows Edo Waks of the University of Maryland (UMD) and Ian Spielman of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are among 85 scientists and engineers nationally to receive this year's Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). The PECASE Award is the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on outstanding scientists and engineers beginning their independent careers.