The field of circuit QED has emerged as a rich platform for both quantum computation and quantum simulation. Lattices of coplanar waveguide (CPW) resonators realize artificial photonic materials in the tight-binding limit. Combined with strong qubit-photon interactions, these systems can be used to study dynamical phase transitions, many-body phenomena, and spin models in driven-dissipative systems. These waveguide cavities are uniquely deformable and can produce lattices and networks which cannot readily be obtained in other systems, including periodic lattices in a hyperbolic space of constant negative curvature, and the one-dimensional nature of CPW resonators leads to degenerate flat bands. In our lab, we build experimental implementations of these systems using superconducting circuits.
Postdoc and graduate student positions available! Send email to:
Flat Bands
JQI Fellow Kollár Bridges Abstract Math and Realities of the Lab
The research of JQI Fellow Alicia Kollár, who is also a Chesapeake Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland, embodies the give and take between physics and mathematics. In her lab, she brings abstract theories to life and in turn collaborates on new theorems. She has forged a research program of manipulating light on a chip, coaxing the light into behaving as though it lives on the surface of a sphere, or a mathematical abstraction known as a hyperbolic surface. She also collaborates with mathematicians, furthering both the understanding of what these chips can do and their underlying mathematics. A direct collaboration with pure mathematicians is uncommon for a physicist, particularly an experimentalist. But Kollár is no stranger to mathematics.
Microscopy of Elongated Superfluids
Dissertation Committee Chair: Luis Orozco
Alicia Kollar
Mohammad Hafezi (Dean’s rep)
William D. Phillips
Ian Spielman (Advisor)
Design and Construction of a Three-Node Quantum Network
Dissertation Committee Chair: Prof. Christopher Monroe
Prof. Alicia Kollár
Prof. Norbert Linke
Prof. Steven Rolston
Prof. Ronald Walsworth
Alicia Kollár Wins Sloan Fellowship
JQI Fellow Kollár Awarded Sloan Research Fellowship
JQI Fellow Alicia Kollár has been awarded a prestigious 2022 Sloan Research Fellowship. This award is given to early career researchers by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to recognize distinguished performance and the potential to make substantial contributions to their field. Each fellowship provides $75,000 to support the fellow’s research over two years.